Monday, March 10, 2008

John's been tagged by Jen

Profinish Design's very own John Vu has been Jen from the Memory Journalists. If you haven't seen this going around...once you've been tagged you have to write 10 random, odd, unknown tidbits, habits, or goals about yourself. And the end, you tag others - listing their names and why you chose them. You can't tag the person who tagged you! Since you can't tag me back, let me know when you've posted your 10 oddities so I can read your answers!

What he writes:

1. Went to UC Davis studied Managerial Economics and Art Studio. The perfect balance between "sane" and "insane". I was always the first to arrive and the last to leave the dark room...but the last to arrive and the first to leave the econ lecture room. I was going to study Philosophy.

2. 14 years ago, I once said that Superman was the coolest. Even until this day, my little sister still gets me things with the superman logo on it. Christmas and Birthdays are super!

3. In High School, instead of a limo for prom, we came in a boat. A big'o boat on wheels. I made my dad tow his 32ft cabin cruiser which was decorated with lights and tulle...all aboard! That night I won homecoming dream (juniors were crowned Dreams).

4. In college, the first time i saw my wife was in church, I knew she was the one. She had something stuck in her teeth, thats what did it for me.

5. I'd like to invent something iconic that nobody really needs but its nice to have. Like the hand buzzer or whoopie cushion.

6. My first time to New York, me and a friend bought rollerblades and rollerbladed all over Manhattan. We stopped when we got in trouble by the police for hanging on car bumpers while they pulled us around.

7. I have a motorcycle license, but no motorcycle.

8. I like to play sports but hate to watch it. I don't know about anything in the NBA after Micheal Jordan left. Tennis is my favorite sport.

9. I'm Ambidextrous. I can write, and do things with both hands. I play sports and draw left handed and write and sign with my right hand. I pick my nose with either...thats the advantage of being ambidextrous.

10. I like being alone. When its quiet and I can gather up all my thought and lose them when I think of new thoughts...

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