John had a lot of fun at a very classy vintage style wedding in Downtown Sacramento. They had a photo booth with the new 6 image printout. They kinda hate him for running late. We hate it when that happens. He'll make it up to them. Here's the first by a super peeky, a complete booth album, then the "cracker jack surprise"
We found this cool slideshow tool for slideshow online and on DVD. Its called Animoto and its so simple to use. Totally hip. Here is one we created last year for The Healthy Image Group Holiday Party.
Britni and Michelle gave us our first same sex wedding. How awesome is that? We were lucky to get such a couple in love. The match really well and their wedding was a blast to photograph.
Where was it? Secluded up in Colfax at Britni's fathers house (awesome house) is were they had their ceremony and it was a very romantic setting.
During their consultation, we came up with the idea of how (see photo above) the noise surrounds them is comes mostly from their friends (bridal party). So the we created an image of the two of them with the bridal party creating "noise".
They are ordering a panoramic canvas for their mantle of that one.
Britni is totally a goofball, we love her. Michelle is a sweetheart too...such a cutie.
Gordon had an awesome vacation home. Just perfect for a big bash this last weekend. We met Stephanie Rausser who is a professional photographer herself...she was so much fun, she took over the booth and made everybody who was there hop in. We also met a rock'in band that has been travelin on tour...Kidd Cook.
The members of Kidd Cook were true rockstars. They told us that while on tour all the members of their band found out that their GREAT GREAT GREAT grandfathers...or something like that...were all on the Mayflower when Columbus found America...HOW WILD IS THAT!
(Above is our 3 styles of photographs: B/W, High Contrast, Color